Three days long Myanmar Open Billiards Championship 2019, endorsed by IBSF, started today at the Multisports Stadium in Mandalay, Myanmar. The final will be played on 11th September 2019.
The event started with 400up Long Up format RoundRobin matches where top players from different parts of the world won the opening matches comfortably. The quickest player was Mike Russell of England who won his match in less than 70 minutes having score-line 401 -50 against Dhanusha Thewahettige of Sri Lanka. He shown his fine touch on three-balls game and made break of 118 with scoring shots on each visit to win the match.
Pankaj Advani of India won against Aung San Oo of Myanmar 401-109. He took little time to settle down and then sent double-century break of 235 points to secure his win by good margin.
Peter Gilchrist of Singapore missed double-century break by 18 point. He was playing against San Myint of Myanmar and won easily by scoring 401(182)-93.
Myanmar Player Aung Htay fought hard against Indian player S. Shrikrishna and won the match by only 2 points. Towards the end, Shrikrishna needed five points for winning but miscalculated shot put him on edge. He got one more chance to win but after potting red, he once again blocked himself from the scoring shot. Though Aung Htay did not give any further chance and won the match 402-398.
Australian player Steve Mifsud shown great recovery to turn around the complete match his side. Initially Steve faced Siddharth Parikh’s opening break of 172 points and went down by 200 points in 400Up match. From there he started recovering and sent three breaks of 72, 51 and 97 for not only to cover the lead but maintained his momentum to close the proceedings 402-269.