TOURNAMENT INFO: Qatar World 6Red Cup
- Written by Vivek Pathak - Media Officer, IBSF
International Billiards and Snooker Federation (IBSF) is pleased to inform you that after this long pandemic time due to Covid-19, we are now able to give a fresh start to our sport. In this endeavor, we have scheduled World 6Red Cup in association with Qatar Billiards and Snooker Federation. The championship dates are 17th September till 21st September 2021.
Entry for the above championship has been started and Member Countries can now enter their players’ names and details on IBSF Online Entry System using their login credentials.
The closing date for entries is 17th August 2021. Each country is allowed to send, 2 players for the Championship
It is Important to Note that relating to the COVID-19 and advisory for the travelers, the Ministry of Public Health - Government of Qatar issued its approval for the following vaccinations for the travelers who intend to travel to Qatar:
1. Pfizer BioNTech
2. Moderna
3. AstraZeneca
4. Covi Shield (AstraZeneca)
5. Janssen/Johnson & Johnson (one dose is enough)
6. Sinopharm
According to the above, all participants must be vaccinated (1st&2nd dose) by one of the above vaccines two weeks before the arrival date. Further details regarding this can obtain GCO website
Keeping in view the safety of players/ officials, the match venue will be prepared within the official hotel premises i.e., Almessila, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Um Al Saneem Street, Zone 36, Street 827, Building 21, Doha Qatar. All the participants must stay in the same hotel during their stay in Doha, Qatar.
IBSF takes this opportunity to thank Qatar Billiards and Snooker Federation for extending their support for this championship.
Host Association: Qatar Billiards and Snooker Federation
Host city: Doha, Qatar
Contact No.: +974 44356077
QBSF Technical Committee: +974 66613508
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All hotel reservations must be done through the QBSF ONLY by entering your accommodation requirements on the IBSF online entry system.
Name of Championship Hotel:
Almessila, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa
Um Al Saneem Street, Zone 36,
Street 827, Building 21, Doha Qatar
Room rates including breakfast and taxes:
Single room: US$ 100.00
Double: US$ 100.00
Within the Hotel
Name of nearest international airport: Hamad International Airport – Doha – Qatar
Airport Pick-n-Drop will be provided free of cost by Qatar Billiards & Snooker Federation. In this regard, all the member countries are advised to send the flight details to the email address
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, in order to avail of the Pick-n-Drop facility.
US$ 38000 TOTAL
US$12,000.00 Winner
US$ 6,000 Runner Up
US$ 3,000 Semi-Finalists
US$ 1,500 each Last 8
US$ 1,000 each Last 16
Please check with the Qatar embassy in your country. If you need an official invitation for your visas from the host country, please contact it at (
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) for the same. Color passport copy and details of the player/s and accompanying delegate should be sent to the host country with CC to General Secretary, IBSF for visa issuance.
Local currency is 1USD = 3.65 Qatar Riyal.